Welcome to the signature configuration page for your individual stats!
You are only 6 small steps away!
Please follow the instructions to prevent issues!
1. Nickname:
In Game Nickname:
Before starting the creation process, please enter your EXACT name of your in game user account! (Including ClanTag if available)
2. Background
Next, please choose the background you would like to use.
3. Font
Now select the font you would like to use.
4. Font Colour
As the final step please select the font colour
5. Implemention of the Signature
After your signature image appears you have to copy (Ctr+C) the URL from your browser bar.
Then simply use it where you want it to be shown (e.g. forum signature) like:
[center][img]YOUR_URL_HERE[/img] [/center]
Please note: If you have a "[ or ]" in your name (e.g. due to a Clan tag) you have to replace them like this:
Do not use:
Attention: Please note that you have to remove the "Submit=generating..." from the end of your generated link!
The right link looks like this:
6. Final Step
After you have made your choice and after you have read throught the instructions carefully, please click on the "Generate" Button to proceed.